Established in 1968 to preserve the historical record of Great Lakes ships.

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The Scanner Scanner Archives Advisory Board

We are passionate about Great Lakes ships and the role they have played and continue to play in shaping the growth of Canada.

T.M.H.S. has produced The Scanner for over 50 years. In its news items and historical articles, The Scanner is widely recognized as the premier publication of its kind. All issues summarize important news happenings about shipping on the lakes and feature an extensive historical account of a Ship of the Month.

We meet monthly from October to May, generally the first Saturday of the month, for informative and entertaining presentations put on by our members. Meetings are held at 2:30 pm at Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto. The exception is our annual luncheon meeting currently being held in May, at the Boulevard Club.

Next Meetings

Meetings have been cancelled until further notice.

Index of all the ships featured as Ship of the Month in Scanner

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Created in Canada © Toronto Marine Historical Society, 2019