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Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month from November through to April at Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto at 2:30 pm. We meet in the basement in a large windowless room that is excellent for showing both film and digital photos plus videos. The room is large enough to easily hold our usual number but small enough to make speaking to the group like a conversation.
T.M.H.S. members share a strong common interest and look forward to socializing with each other. Keeping in touch and exchanging news, photos or other memorabilia are part of our regular get togethers. Every meeting has a program. We plan programs from our members' particular interests and skills. Many of our members are excellent marine photographers and have made many voyages aboard ships. These make wonderful programs that are heartily enjoyed by all in attendance.
On the last Sunday in May we have usually finish our season with the annual Luncheon Meeting at the Boulevard Club (1491 Lake Shore Blvd. W, Toronto).
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Meeting topics and speakers are subject to change. Please follow our Facebook page for up-to-date information.